Request a Public Record
Thank you for visiting the DCSO public records request web page. This portal is designed to help you communicate with DCSO about what documents you need and how to conveniently obtain them.
Crime reports, Dispatch Incident Reports, Jail Records, Statistics, Photographs, Audio/Videos, PIO information, Policy & Procedure, General Documents, etc.
Everything in your email request will be displayed publically if the department makes your request public.
Please provide as much detail as possible within your request such as dates/timelines, names, dispatch incident/crime report/booking numbers, etc. Large unspecific requests which are not focused may be returned asking for more detail. Including as much detail and information as possible will expedite your request.
Please include your personal information. Name, email, phone, street address, city, state, zip , company or media outlet. ( Personal information is visible only to staff by default, but requests are part of the public record and your information may be released in response to a public request.)
Click here to send email.