Send Mail to an Inmate

DCSO JailInmates may receive letters via US mail. The amount of letters an inmate can receive is not restricted; however, no packages or boxes will be accepted.

Letters MUST have the inmate's name and the sender's name with the return address. All mail received will be opened and inspected by jail staff.


The mailing address for an inmate is:

Inmate Name

P.O. Box 1777

Minden, NV. 89423

The following are pieces of mail an inmate can receive:

  • Soft covered books received directly from a distributor will be accepted. Prepaid magazine or newspaper subscription mailed directly to the inmate will also be accepted. Materials which may create a threat to jail order, or contain sexual, racial or ethnic profanity are prohibited. All reading material is subject to a two (2) item maximum. Excess items will be stored in the inmate's property at the discretion of the jail administration, excessive items may be discarded.

If you have questions about getting money to an inmate visit our Jail Commissary page.